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‘Ecosexual’ woman declares ‘erotic’ relationship with an Oak tree, and the jokes write themselves

By  Terresa Monroe-Hamilton 


Taking nature-loving to an extreme, a woman who calls herself an “ecosexual” has fallen in love with an Oak tree and perversely claims that it fills her with “erotic energy.”

“There was an eroticism with something so big and so old holding my back,” Sonja Semyonova, 45, stated during an interview with SWNS.

According to the New York Post, an “exosexual” is defined as a person who “finds nature romantic, sensual and sexy” and fantasizes “Earth as their lover.”

In a world where fetishes and mental issues have now become mainstream, her lover of choice is a tree and the media seems to be normalizing it.

Semyonova claims to be a self-intimacy guide and a “somatic sex educator in training.” She became infatuated with the tree after moving to Vancouver Island, British Colombia in the winter of 2020 during the pandemic.

She conducts “erotic storytelling.” The tree-lover seems to get caught up in her own stories and came across the Oak tree while taking nature walks during COVID lockdowns, falling head-over-heels for it…



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