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“Education Reform” bill is a Coup attempt

By  Jim Cathcart

This is no joke. The attempt to nationalize elections and remove voter ID requirements, election redistricting, and many other safeguards on our democracy is not an effort to make things more fair. It is a direct, blatant attempt to take over our government and replace America as we have known it!

Wikipedia: A coup d’état (kuːdeɪˈtɑː; French for “blow of state”) or coup is the removal and seizure of a government and its powers. Typically, it is an illegal, unconstitutional seizure of power by a political faction, the military, or a dictator.

Audacity seems to be the primary skillset of the current Democrat Party. They have decided to go all-in with their boldest and most outrageous proposals. The “election reform” bill is the latest example. It would be more accurately called the “election takeover” bill. One of its major provisions is the removal of power from the states. That is what sustains us as “The United States.”

We are not the collective individuals of America, we are the “United States.” Ours is not a democracy where everyone votes as a person. We are a democratic Republic where everyone votes as citizens of their cities, states and our nation. The powers not given to the federal government in our Constitution are reserved to the states and their citizens. We intentionally limit the powers of Washington DC because that is the main threat to states’ rights.

The Ultimate Price

In the Revolutionary War we saw what a strong central government would do to retain power over citizens. They would confiscate and outlaw private firearms, tax people increasingly for anything the leaders wanted, isolate and oppress various groups of people based on faith, political affiliation, race, gender, age, etc. They would take people’s property at will, lodge soldiers in private homes, confiscate crops and livestock, and even murder dissenters publicly to keep the population in fear.

Nobody had a voice unless they were held in political favor. There was no appeal to wrongful conviction. Accused was the same as guilty and the death penalty was immediate and common. That is stage two of a federal takeover.

If you trust government more than yourself then it might seem safe and sensible to give them more and more power. But we have long since passed the tipping point where they have more power than we do. Remember the famous line, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely”? Well, all the leftist politicians are missing at present is the ability to take elections out of your hands.

They are already spending us into bankruptcy. It’s virtually impossible to pay off a multi-trillion dollar debt. The interest alone is beyond our capacity to keep up. They control the media and have legions of enablers and apologists on the air daily explaining how their audacious takeovers of your rights are actually “good for you.” They have taken control of our schools and inserted concepts into the curricula that will assure future generations won’t seek to become free again. Once Capitalism is demonized and simple descriptive language is made into a crime, then it’s easy to take control.

Independent Ownership is a threat to government control 

Small businesses are the heartbeat of America because they are run by and owned by individuals. They are a bastion of freedom. And freedom is a threat to the government. When people cannot run their own business, own weapons to defend themselves from threats, teach their children what they believe is true, vote for representatives that they believe will truly act on their behalf, and be allowed to gather in churches with others where their beliefs can be strengthened, then independence is no longer ours.

We once made a Declaration of our Independence and pledged our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor in order to achieve it. Our founders went through hell for many years in order to shake off the oppressive burden of a strong central government. Our relatives died at the hands of that government. And now our representatives have decided that their welfare is more important than ours.

Take away the ability to resist and you win the war

They are trying to make it impossible for us to organize, defend and resist them. They’ve used Covid as a cover to help destroy small businesses, outlaw church gatherings, cause families to fear each other, and condition everyone to fear the flu more than the loss of freedom. They have put forward their audacious plans to limit, register and then confiscate guns, to require mind pollution through sinister schemes like Critical Race Theory, the 1619 Project, and woke political correctness in daily speech. They’ve passed immense and cancerous legislation under the guise of “Covid Relief” and “Infrastructure” renewal. In this legislation they have hidden as much as 80% of the spending because it was not related to the bills and it paid off the various supporters by funding their pet projects.

They have also infected our legislation by putting in place new rules and policies as earmarks or amendments to the bills that we never would have accepted in open discussion and voting.

Now they have put leftist leaders into the major positions of our government at the highest levels. These people then appoint thousands of regulators and other officials who infect every agency from coast to coast. The regulations they put in place are done TO us, not with us nor even with our direct approval.

We are becoming a nation, not of laws, but a nation of regulations.

Citizens pass laws, Bureaucrats pass regulations.

Once the infection is complete we will no longer have representation. If we have no voice then all they need for complete control (dictatorship) is to take over our election process so they can always guarantee the outcome.

America is gasping for air, the air of freedom. This election “reform” is the choke hold that will suffocate our independence. Oppose it with all your might. Speak up while you still have a voice. And, don’t ever vote for a leftist again until long after we have had a decade or two to purge the damage done so far by this crowd!



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