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Edward VIII: Forbidden Secrets


VT’s Claudio Resta tells a previously untold story about the King of England

The Gay King was forced to abdicate not because of the inappropriateness of his Royal love affair with a woman already married since she was not a virgin anymore, neither British, nor noble as it was always told, but effectively because of his politically inappropriate socialist sympathies and his willingness not to wage soon war on Germany as it was pretended by the City.

My source, a family whistleblower and now deceased for a long time was very close in the 1930s and until his death to the late Foreign Minister of Italy 1936-1944 and son-in-law of Mussolini Galeazzo Ciano.

The life of Ciano was a truly Shakespearean story of the only one Mussolini’s son-in-law, the husband of Mussolini’s beloved and favorite daughter Edda, who was first co-opted by the Dictator’s father-in-law as a young Foreign Minister and then after the dismissal of Mussolini by Gran Consiglio del Fascismo, in 1944 during WWII was sentenced to death for treason.

By his father-in-law!

Thus my oral and familiar whistleblower and source of this information were probably based on the intelligence of Ciano’s Fascist Foreign Ministry.




Caravan To Midnight

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