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ElectionWatch 2024-U.S. Ambassador Knew Hunter Biden Wanted State Department’s Help For Burisma While Joe Was VP

By Christine Dolan


For anyone in the Democratic Party to suggest that there is nothing there in the investigation into Hunter Biden using U.S. government to further his business interests while his father was vice-president during the Obama administration, one need not going any further than the U.S. Ambassador to Italy during the Obama administration in 2016.

President Obama appointed John Phillips as U.S. Ambassador to Italy.  His wife is Linda Douglas, a former network broadcasting correspondent , who had covered the U.S. Senate and even interviewed then U.S. Senator Joe Biden on 911 on Capitol Hill. Douglas joined the 2008 Obama campaign as an advisor and later, served in the communication’s office in the Obama White House after serving on the Obama Inaugural Committee.

Hunter Biden wrote a letter to Phillips directly in 2016.  It found its way to the General Consul’s office in the U.S. embassy in Rome. It was “Red Blocked,” and passed onto several employees.

Hunter asked Phillips for assistance as a Burisma board member for a potentially lucrative energy product in Italy.

Internal documents turned over to the New York Times as a result of a Freedom of Information case show that Phillips was informed of the letter. One employee admitted to speaking with Phillips. Some employees seemed to be wary of Biden’s request asking a U.S. ambassador to get involved for a foreign entity doing business inside Italy…


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