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Elizabeth Warren is pursued through Reno airport by Donald Trump supporters shouting ‘stop impeachment’ and ‘go home Pocahontas’ as she arrives in Nevada


  • Elizabeth Warren arrived in Reno, Nevada, on Wednesday for a political rally 
  • She was met at the airport by a group of pro-Trump protesters waving banners 
  • Video released by GOP shows them following her out of the airport and heckling 
  • Police say protesters didn’t have permits and prosecutors are investigating

Pro-Trump protesters chased Elizabeth Warren through Reno airport on Wednesday shouting ‘stop the impeachment’ as she arrived in Nevada for a rally.

Activists wearing MAGA hats and waving Trump-Pence banners also yelled ‘Pocahontas go home’ at Warren, in reference to a label the President gave her mocking her claims to Native American heritage.

Warren – who recent polls suggest is frontrunner to become the Democrat nominee for president – smiled, waved and told the demonstrators it was ‘nice to see you’ before getting into a waiting car.

Footage of the incident was shared on Twitter by the Nevada GOP.

Alongside was a message that said: ‘Nevadans greeted Elizabeth Warren in Reno and let them know exactly how they feel about the Democrats’ despicable attempt to impeach Donald Trump and undo the 2016 election.’

Nevada Republican Party state chairman Michael J. McDonald also tweeted the video, writing: ‘Welcome to Reno Elizabeth Warren. This is team Trump country!’



One Comment

  1. Jeff Martin Jeff Martin October 5, 2019

    Give Antifa a pass – but let’s prosecute peaceful conservative protesters using their Constitutional rights. Nevada used to be RED, but no more!

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