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Elon Musk Wrecks Joe Scarborough and His Wicked Take on the ‘Bloodbath’ Hoax

By Nick Arama 

We’ve seen many people on the left/the anti-Trump crew jumping in to help spread the “bloodbath” hoax, claiming that former President Donald Trump was pushing violence. Trump spoke about what a “bloodbath” Joe Biden’s policy would be for the auto industry if he was reelected. That’s it. That’s the “violence.” He was speaking out on behalf of the auto workers and American jobs.

The Biden campaign figured prominently in pushing the falsehood. Their Communications Director Michael Tyler even doubled down on it, saying it was like when Trump said “very fine people” about Nazis in Charlottesville, not caring that that was a debunked hoax as well. We also saw Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) pushing the smear, even adding in other hoaxes. They showed they had no shame and no conscience; all they care about is winning. This incident is a great example of that.

As we noted, we saw all kinds of media fail on this and they did earn a Community Note.

But that the truth didn’t stop some from making absolutely ridiculous takes on the matter.

Perhaps one of the worst was from MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough.

He posted a video of the riot on Jan. 6 with the words, “Donald Trump’s America. And he’s proud of it. Promised another ‘bloodbath’ if he loses again.” That is demonstrably untrue.

But X owner Elon Musk, who has been personally doing all he can to debunk the hoax, called out Scarborough’s disgusting and deceitful take…


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