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EMF Radiation from Electric and Hybrid Cars

By Daniel

As our awareness of the need for greener living grows, more and more people are switching to electric and hybrid cars. While this might be better for the environment, is it better for our bodies? I decided to look into EMF radiation emitted by electric and hybrid cars.

So, do electric and hybrid cars emit EMF radiation? Electric and hybrid cars do emit EMF radiation, much more than standard petrol vehicles. Along with the massive batteries found in these vehicles, there is usually a greater amount of electronic devices in the car, which all produce EMF radiation. Also, most of this radiation stays trapped in the vehicle.

It’s hardly a surprise that electric and hybrid cars give off more EMF radiation than standard petrol vehicles. Is this a problem? And what can drivers looking for a more eco-friendly car actually do about it? These are things I look into in this article…


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