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Episode 1274 – Cyrus A. Parsa, Brendi Wells and Duross Gasperi

Episode 1274

In tonight’s news segment John B. is joined by Cyrus A. Parsa with a huge update on the big tech lawsuit he has initiated.

Then, we are joined by Brendi Wells and Duross Gasperi to give us an update on the 100+ filings and submissions to various international bodies and institutions on the plights of the white minorities in South Africa as well as the corruption of the ANC majority led government.

Cyrus A. Parsa is the Founder and CEO of The AI Organization, Loyal Guardian Security and The Social Programming Institute. All created to assist in making our society safer and better. Cyrus has a Bachelors in International Security & Conflict Resolution, and a Master’s Degree in Homeland Security. He is an expert in China-Iran affairs, and has consulted on Human-Organ Tracking, Anti-Terrorism, Vulnerability, Risk, Asset Management and Emerging Threats to governments, agencies, people and organizations.  read more…

The AI Organization | Twitter – @CyrusAParsa1


Brendi Wells is a marketing professional from South Africa with extensive experience in marketing management, media & PR skills and runs her own traditional and online marketing and advertising agency.

Brendi grew up in South Africa during the Apartheid era and witnessed the transformation as it happened in 1994 when she was old enough to vote for the first time. Having lived and worked in South Africa for the last 20 years post-apartheid, she has kept a close eye the changes the country has gone through.  read more…

Twitter – @BrendiWells


Duross Gasperi is the Founder of a firm, The Human Rights Defenders operating under the mandate of UN Resolution for Human Rights Defenders.  read more…

Human-Rights-Defender | Twitter – @DurossGasperi

Episode 1274 – Cyrus A. Parsa, Brendi Wells and Duross Gasperi

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