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Epstein Alive? Pence Resigning? Iran Threatening Trump at Mar-a-Lago? Nashville Bombing Explained?

by Lenora Thompson



The year 2021 has already begun with a bang with some seriously newsworthy tweets.

Attorney Lin Wood got the ball rolling last night in a tweet questioning Chief Justice John Roberts’ motives and actions which ended with the phrase: “Or ask Jeffrey Epstein. He is alive.”

That sent shudders running down Twitter’s spine…but wait a minute! If you think about it, it’s not actually such a bizarre statement. We have no more proof of Epstein’s death than we do of his supposed suicide…and no one ever believed that! All we have is one photograph of his face post-“suicide” and that could easily have been faked with a little make-up, a little Photoshopping.

If Lin Wood is indeed correct and Jeffrey Epstein is the “Witness X” referred to in “back-channel chatter,” insert sound of Swamp Draining!


Pence Resigned?

It might be true or it might be complete nonsense but today an anonymous post claimed that, “Pence has resigned as Vice President effective immediately.”

I have been unable to verify this post but patriots have been busting Pence’s chops for weeks now, begging, cajoling, shaming him to step up to the plate on January 6th and reject the fraudulent Electoral Votes from MI, WI, PA, AZ, etc.

There’s been rumors about Pence for years. Claims he was part of the Swamp himself, turned a blind eye to sex trafficking in his home state of Indiana. No one seems to know for sure, but “Anonymous” may have a good point.

Trump did rush back to Mar-a-Lago with his family last night while Lin Wood tweeted that Mike Pence has announced he’s retiring from politics so we don’t have to dread a Pence Presidential run in 2024.

Don’t get me wrong! Pence seems like a nice guy but he ain’t no Trump. He has the political patter down so perfectly, he puts me to sleep and the country is so done with politicians like that.

We want gritty! We want fire in the belly! We want truth! Pence just doesn’t have what it takes, or as Lin Wood said, “Good call, Mike. You are not fit to be President anyway.” Strong words from a defamation lawyer!

Picture   Picture

UPDATE: @milops aka MonkeyWerx seems to have found info confirming this claim about Mike Pence. He watches our skies and recently noted military air traffic above the continental USA had increased massively. Read all about that here.

“Credible Threat” at Mar-a-Lago

Yesterday news hit that there was a “credible threat” to the President and his family from the country of Iran.

This was confirmed again this morning.

The Trump family swiftly departed their New Year’s Eve party at Mar-a-Lago and returned to Washington, or so we’re told. And that is why people who claim the Presidency is merely about Donald Trump’s ego are wrong.

There have been over twenty-five attempts on his life. A Secret Service man died in the course of his duties in Scotland. A victim-playing narcissist would talk about it. Trump never talks about any of it. He’s the bravest man I know and Melania is the bravest woman I know. She lives in perpetual fear for her husband’s life, her own life and the lives of her son, step-daughters and step-sons but never turns a hair. Their service isn’t about ego! It’s about sacrifice!

Nashville Bombing: A New Reason Emerged

As regular readers know, I was dubious about the Official Narrative of the Nashville Bombing from the first time they said, “RV blaring a warning message.” How ridiculous! Everything we’ve been told about that event by the Mainstream Media was a bald-faced lie!

But new information emerged last night that may have finally answered the question, “Why this particular location?”

For several years now, patriots have expected a blackout of online communication and social media. In that event, the President was going to use the Emergency Broadcasting System to communication with the nation. In fact, the system was scheduled to be tested last Saturday.

Guess where at least a portion of the infrastructure for the Emergency Broadcasting System was maintained? That’s right! The AT&T location in Nashville. It seems the website that published this data yesterday was right on the money because this morning the hyperlink works but the data has  been wiped from the site as well as from Twitter. How’s about them apples!?!

The new year has certainly begun with a bang and this is merely the deep breath before the storm. We’re all waiting. Holding our breath. Praying, hoping, fighting the digital war in any way we can trusting that, come Hell or high water, President Trump will again take the Oath of Office on January 20th.

This is the Year of We the People, so help us God!


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