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Epstein fund has compensated victims for a total of $121M to date

By James Anthony

The fund set up after Jeffery Epstein’s death by this executors has so far given a total of approximately $121M to his victims to date.

The fund has been operating for the past two years after Epstein was found dead in a Manhattan prison cell where he had been held while awaiting a federal trial.
According to the BBC, Epstein’s total fortune is estimated at $600M, and the executors plan to use it to compensate his many victims. In fact, so far 225 people have gotten in touch with the fund’s administrator, Jordana Feldman. So far, 150 of those 225 people have been determined to have had legitimate claims.
However, not all of those 150 have reached a settlement. An undisclosed minority of them have refused to reach a deal, preferring to leave the option of a lawsuit open.

Feldman said in a statement released on Monday:
“I am proud of what we were able to accomplish with this program, but also recognize that no amount of money will erase the years of pain these victims have endured because of Jeffrey Epstein.”
“My hope is that the program provided his victims a meaningful measure of justice and a step on the path toward healing.”Epstein’s ex-girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell has also been arrested by the FBI on Jul. 2 2020 for her alleged participation in Epstein’s illegal activities, and is still awaiting trail at this time.


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