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Eric Clapton Discovers the Secret: Israel is Running the World


“Israel is running the world, Israel is running the show.”

Superannuated guitar demiurge Eric Clapton made this shocking and counterintuitive revelation during a recent interview, and of course the has-been rock deity is by no means the first to say this. Claiming that the Jews secretly run the world has been a staple charge of Jew-haters since the publication of the infamous czarist forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and before that, but it’s particularly bizarre and striking for Clapton to drag out this particular canard at this point, when the entire world is ganging up on Israel, its foremost ally has betrayed it, and all the international organs of “justice,” or what passes for justice these days, are intent upon preventing the tiny Jewish state from defending itself. If Israel is running the world these days, it’s doing an extremely poor job of it.

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