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Eric Swalwell reportedly living the high life with campaign cash

By Chris Donaldson

Rep. Eric Swalwell reportedly spent thousands in campaign cash on sporting events, dining at fancy steakhouses, limos, liquor, and casinos in another example of how public servants live high off the hog after going to Washington.

According to FEC reports, the California Democrat has a taste for some of D.C.’s more expensive eateries, is a Washington Nationals fan, and uses the liquor delivery app Drizzly as well as Uber Eats in records reviewed by the Daily Caller.

The third quarter filing covering documents expenses from July 1, 2021, through Sept. 30, 2021 for Eric Swalwell for Congress, a list of 519 itemized disbursements for one of Nancy Pelosi’s top lieutenants as well as a reliable hysteric who is a fixture on MSNBC.

One of Swalwell’s preferred dining spots is Charlie Palmer’s, a steakhouse that according to its website describes itself as “Much more than a steakhouse, the timelessly stylish restaurant moves the political power meetings out of the back room and into private dining spaces, sleek enclaves of dark wood.”

(Image: FEC)

There are also numerous expenditures for Sunny’s Executive Sedan as well as Cosmopolitan Casino in Las Vegas along with other restaurants including Joe’s Stone Crab and The Battery as well as the booze from Drizzly.

(Image: FEC)

Swalwell, who was retained by Pelosi on the House Intelligence Committee despite the fact that he was canoodling with a female Chinese spy has been an integral part of the Democrats ongoing witch hunt from the time that Donald J. Trump’s was in the White House and later shifting to his supporters after Biden took over.

The idea that a guy who may have divulged classified secrets to Christine Fang aka “Fang Fang” during pillow talk could hold places on two powerful committees – he is also on the House Homeland Security Committee – shows that Democrats, and especially Pelosi, are not serious about national security.

Twitter weighed in on Swalwell’s expenditures.

With Democrats in control of the entire government and Swalwell not getting so much as a slap on the wrist for his far more serious dalliances with an actual intelligence agent from the communist government in Beijing, his living it up with campaign funds likely won’t result in the scrutiny he deserves.

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