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Even Far Left Bill Maher Thinks Barbie is a “Preachy, Man-Hating” Movie

By Daniel


Oh boy, when Bill Maher—the liberal torchbearer of late-night television—starts sounding like a right-wing pundit, you know the left has spun off its axis.

Seriously, Bill Maher?

The same man who’s usually found poking fun at conservatives is now taking a jab at a beloved children’s icon?

Well, strap in folks, because the tables have turned.

For years, conservatives have been on the receiving end of Maher’s pointed monologues and unapologetic critiques.

But here we are, reading his “review” on Barbie, and it’s like he’s channeled the spirit of right-wing Twitter! Calling the film “preachy, man-hating, and a #ZombieLie”…


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