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Even Obama Knows Democrats Are Totally Screwed

By Jeff Charles


You know things are bad for Democrats when even the charismatic former President Barack Obama doesn’t have much encouragement to give about the upcoming midterm elections. The former chief executive addressed House Democrats during a conference call Thursday, in which he made a valiant attempt to encourage left-leaning lawmakers as they head towards an almost certain shellacking in November.

CBS News reported:

Former President Obama exhorted House Democrats to celebrate their accomplishments on the campaign trail, rather than dwell on the setbacks they’ve faced, as they try to defend their slim majority in the midterm elections this year.

Obama, the featured keynote speaker during the caucus’ virtual messaging summit Thursday, told lawmakers to “take the wins you can get” and it “doesn’t help to whine about the stuff you can’t change,” according to two sources familiar with the conversation. He argued that they have a more compelling message in selling what their legislative successes mean to voters, rather than campaigning from a defensive crouch, one source said.



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