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Ex-Trump Prosecutor Doesn’t ‘Want to Hear Another Word About Hunter Biden,’ Worries About Jared Kushner

By Mike Miller

The sheer desperation runs rampant through the Democrat Party as various members try in vain to ward off the inevitable coming disaster facing Joe Biden and his grifter son Hunter Biden. As the Biden “family business” scheme continues to unravel, it’s a beautiful thing to watch. And it’s going to get far worse.

One popular tactic — selectively and hypocritically practiced on both sides of the political aisle — is playing the #whataboutism card at drop of a hat in hollow defense of the growing scandal.

MSNBC legal analyst, former Trump impeachment prosecutor, TDS-riddled Daniel Goldman beautifully played </sarcasm> the #whataboutism card on Monday. Goldman sure doesn’t want to hear another word about the Hunter scandal, but dammit, he really wants to hear more about a Saudi business deal made by Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner — six months after he and Trump left the White House…

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