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Exclusive – Donald Trump: Biden Allowing ‘Invasion’ at Border, a ‘Migration of Civilization into Our Country’



PALM BEACH, Florida — Former President Donald Trump ripped Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration for allowing what Trump calls an “invasion” at the U.S. border with Mexico, something the former president likened to a “migration of civilization into our country.”

Trump’s comments, which came during a two-hour-long exclusive interview at his Mar-a-Lago resort on Thursday evening, come as Biden’s administration has been involved in talks with Mexico to try to stem the tide of migrants flowing into the country. They also come as lawmakers in Washington seek an elusive deal that would fund more aid to Ukraine—a Biden administration priority—in exchange for border reforms that Republicans in the Senate want.

Trump ripped Biden for not understanding the leverage that he says the United States has in negotiations with Mexico.

“He doesn’t understand anything—they went into Mexico today, hat in hand,” Trump said. “We have all the power—they have none of the power.”

Trump was referring to how Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken met this week with Mexican foreign minister Alicia Barcena to produce what the Mexican president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador—known as AMLO for short—called afterwards “important agreements.” A joint communication from Mexico and the United States that the Biden White House shared after the meeting stated the two countries’ commitment to “orderly, humane and regular migration.”

Trump thinks Biden got rolled by Mexico—something he says he would have never let happen when he was president. Trump told Breitbart News that when he took office in January 2017 after eight years of Democrat Barack Obama in the White House, there were many people streaming across the border. But Trump was able to significantly cut the flow down with deals like Remain-in-Mexico and other agreements with Northern Triangle countries in Central America—in addition to things like the implementation of Title 42 and the end of catch-and-release policies. But. Now that Biden is in there, and because of the fact he ripped up Trump’s policies immediately upon taking office, Trump says now there is an “invasion” and a “migration of civilization into the country” unlike any other in world history. Trump also repeatedly pointed out his belief that many of the people coming in are from mental institutions worldwide, and that some are even terrorists…



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