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EXCLUSIVE: Lawmakers Move to Defund Law the Biden DOJ Weaponized Against Pro-Life Protesters

By Mary Margaret Olohan / 

FIRST IN DAILY SIGNAL: Texas Republican Rep. Chip Roy is leading lawmakers in calling for defunding the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, The Daily Signal has learned.

In a letter sent to the drafters of the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2024, lawmakers asked that language be included prohibiting “funding for the Department of Justice to enforce the FACE Act.”

Roy drew on the DOJ arrest of Catholic father and pro-life activist Mark Houck, writing: “Last September, the American people watched in horror as dozens of heavily armed Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents and more than a dozen vehicles conducted an early-morning raid, with guns drawn, on the home of Mark Houck, his wife, and seven children.”

“Since then, Mark Houck has been found innocent of all charges, but Attorney General Merrick Garland has refused to admit that the overwhelming use of force against an innocent American citizen was a mistake,” Roy wrote.

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