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Exiled Opposition Leader Blasts Ukraine, West for Employing Neo-Nazis


Exiled Ukrainian opposition leader Viktor Medvedchuk is accusing Western-backed forces of employing neo-Nazis against Russia.

According to Medvedchuk’s analysis, which was published by RIA Novosti and translated by RT, the United States and its allies in Europe have no qualms about working with actual Nazis if it furthers their plans for Ukraine.

“Neo-Nazism is the cudgel that pro-Western forces turn to when they lose. Then, the mask of democracy and peacemaking comes off instantly, and opponents find themselves back in the harsh reality of political cannibalism,” wrote Medvedchuk.

“Today, Ukraine is in the hands of people, who don’t speak Ukrainian [as their mother tongue] and who are mostly not ethnic Ukrainians,” he added. “They turned the Ukrainian language into a ‘friend-or-foe’ designator to cover up their true intentions.”

Upon initiating the invasion of Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that “The purpose of this operation is to protect people who for eight years now have been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the Kyiv regime. To this end, we will seek to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine, as well as bring to trial those who perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including against citizens of the Russian Federation.”

It has been widely reported that Ukraine has made prominent use of the Azov Battalion, which is openly known to be a neo-Nazi unit.

The UN’s Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), in a 2016 report, accused Azov members of rape, torture, and other forms of sexual violence. In 2019, Facebook, under its Dangerous Individuals and Organizations policy, banned praise for Azov, but after the Russia-Ukraine War began reversed that policy, stating: “For the time being, we are making a narrow exception for praise of the Azov Regiment strictly in the context of defending Ukraine, or in their role as part of the Ukraine National Guard.”

Even Wikipedia describes the Azov Battalion as “a neo-Nazi unit,” and notes the prominent use on Azov uniforms of the Nazi Wolfsangel insignia, which was the symbol of Hitler’s feared SS troops.

Prior to a crackdown by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Medvedchuk’s Opposition Platform – For Life party was noted for being the biggest opposition bloc in Ukraine’s parliament.

The Ukrainian government banned the party on grounds that the it was pro-Russian. Medvedchuk claims the Zelensky government feared that Opposition Platform was gaining enough support to gain power.

Medvedchuk wrote that, historically, “as soon as a non pro-Western force gains ground, scores higher approval, pro-Western forces do everything to ban it. Their allies in the media slander opposition politicians, threaten their supporters and urge a mass crackdown.”…

Exiled Opposition Leader Blasts Ukraine, West for Employing Neo-Nazis (

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