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EXPERTS: Trump Mugshot Might Become The Most Famous Picture Of The 21st Century

Trending Politics Conservative News and Commentary Trending Politics Conservative News and Commentary

By Jake Ruppert

As former President Donald Trump’s Tuesday arraignment approaches, experts have told MarketWatch that an unprecedented mugshot – if it becomes public – could become the most influential photograph of the 21st century.

“It could become the cultural icon of our time,” Craig Agranoff, a Florida-based marketing executive, reportedly told the financial news publication.

“The [pro-Trump] people who will be disgusted by it will use it for mobilization, and the people who are against Trump will use it to mock him,” Agranoff continued.

“It will be in every mainstream newspaper in the country and probably around the world,” another expert said.

However, MarketWatch also added that there is a chance the public never sees a Trump mug shot, whether one is taken or not.

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