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Explosive Survey! Monstrous “Calamari” Clots of Blood inside Vaccinated Dead after mRNA Shots


Before relaunching this disconcerting article we wanted not only to verify its absolute scientific validity but also to collect all the investigations published by Gospa News which justify the sensational alarm once again ignored by the government health authorities.

On the one hand, a correlation is hypothesized between the “monstrous calamari” of blood clots found in the vaccinated deceased, on the other hand the certainty of this connection is not exposed although it is now possible, with an easy histological examination on the toxic protein Spike, to verify not only the presence but also the vaccine derivation: as highlighted by the Italian bioimmunologist Prof Mauro Mantovani it is sufficient to detect the presence of the double Proline, artificially inserted into the anti-COVID mRNA gene sera.

As demonstrated by the biomathematician Jean-Claude Perez, researcher at the Luc Montagnier Foundation by virtue of the scientific collaboration and friendship with the French Nobel Prize winner who died prematurely and mysteriously, it is also sufficient to verify the presence of the “diabolical molecule” methylpseudouridine (created in the laboratory specifically to stabilize mRNA gene sera), a nucleoside capable of inhibiting the protection cell from cancer and generate countless other harmful reactions in the immune system but also in the cardiovascular system.

This is why the “monstrous squids” of blood clots could be a direct consequence of the toxic Spike protein, capable of persisting harmfully in the human body for many months (this is confirmed by the doctors who invented the Moderna vaccine) or even 2 years, from the double Proline inserted in mRNA gene sera to make the Spike half-life longer lasting, or by Methylpseudouridine.

The presence of anomalous clots can therefore be correlated to at least three specific characteristics of Covid vaccines which are not present in the SARS-Cov-2 virus although this pathogen has also been enhanced in the laboratory with a split of furrin to make the Spike more devastating in the human organism just like a bacteriological weapon…


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