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Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Is Quietly Advising Pete Buttigieg’s Presidential Campaign

Zuckerberg’s communication trail with Buttigieg is a “rare example of direct political involvement from one of tech’s most powerful executives.”

(ZH) — Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been quietly advising Pete Buttigieg’s presidential campaign through staff hires, according to a new Bloomberg report. Campaign spokesman Chris Meagher confirmed that Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan sent several emails to Mike Schmuhl, Buttigieg’s campaign manager, detailing a list of names that they would like to see the campaign hire. Meagher said the campaign chose two from the list.

Eric Mayefsky, now a senior digital analytics adviser for the Buttigieg campaign, and Nina Wornhoff, an organizing data manager for Buttigieg, were the two recent highers suggested by Zuckerberg and Chan.

Mayefsky worked at a startup founded by former Facebook employees for a decade, then worked at Facebook for four years starting in 2010.


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