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Facebook Says Cyber Spies Are Using Bogus WhatsApp and Signal Apps to Snoop on Thousands

By The Defender Staff

A cyber espionage group believed to be operating out of India and Pakistan has been spying on thousands of people by using malware that masquerades as popular secure-messaging apps, according to a new report from Facebook.

Dubbed “Dracarys,” a name found in the malware code and a possible reference to Game of Thrones, Facebook says the malware can siphon off all kinds of information from an Android device, including call logs, contacts, files, text messages and geolocation data. It can also access a device’s camera and microphone.

Dracarys has been propagated on Meta’s social media sites, Facebook and Instagram, by hackers posing as attractive young women, journalists or activists, who convince their targets to download the bogus app. Once they’ve done so, Dracarys abuses the accessibility features intended to assist users with disabilities to automatically click through and grant broad device permissions such as the ability to access the camera…

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