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Fake and CIA: Obama’s True Background

Stanley Ann Dunham was born in Kansas on Nov. 29, 1942, to a CIA banking executive, Marjorie Dunham, and a “furniture salesman,” Stanley Armour Dunham.  She attended middle school in Beruit, Lebanon.

Dunham was of predominantly English ancestry, with some Scottish, Welsh, Irish, German and Swiss, according to Wikipedia.

In 1955, the Dunham family moved to Seattle, Washington, where Stanley Ann’s father was “employed as a furniture salesman and her mother worked as vice president of a bank..”

In around 1960, Stanley Ann was introduced to CIA cult leader Muhammad Subuh when he visited Seattle.  The Subud cult later set up operations in Hawaii and Chicago.

Cult leader Muhammad Subuh

Stanley Ann Dunham











In 1961, Dunham gave birth to Barry Hussein Soebarkah, whose name was later changed to Barack Obama.

In 1965, Dunham married an Indonesian graduate student, Lolo Soetoro, who was studying geography under a CIA foreign student program. In 1967, Dunham moved to Indonesia with six-year-old Barry to join her husband.  This was in the wake of the 1965-1966 CIA-backed coup and slaughter of between 1 million and 2,500,000 supporters of the Communist Party of Indonesia, the PKI.  In Jakarta, Dunham Soetoro worked for CIA front-organizations while her husband worked for the fascist Suharto regime as an engineer. ( (

Lolo Soetoro, Stanley Ann Soetoro (with daughter Maya), Barry Soetoro

His stepfather, he records, taught him that “Men take advantage of weakness in other men.  They’re just like countries in that way.  Better to be strong.  If you can’t be strong, be clever and make peace with someone who’s strong. But always better to be strong yourself.  Always.”

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The author of The ExorcistWilliam Peter Blatty, was a CIA operative. He was there in Lebanon in the early 1950s with President Obama’s maternal family, the DunhamsBlatty most likely attended the same Catholic school, College Notre-Dame de Jamhour, where Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, had been a student in Beirut. (see David Icke on Satanism under the guise of religion

Stanley Ann Dunham, Stanley Armour Dunham, Madelyn Dunham

Stanley Dunham family Beirut, Lebanon

Additionally, guess who else was at the CIA station in BeirutLebanon in the early 1950s with Stanley Armour, Madelyn, Stanley Ann Dunham, and BlattyDr. William Thetford (1951-1954).


Dr. Thetford was the CIA/MK ULTRA child fantasy expert and author of Oprah Winfrey’s “A Course in Miracles.”  Beirut had been “ground zero” planning the MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind-control project (1953) with SS Hauptsturmführer Josef Mengele.

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“The Mystery Of Obama Widens, Who Is Mohammed Subud And The SUBUD CULT” …



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One Comment

  1. Tom Dockery Tom Dockery January 15, 2025

    I still believe that Barry Soetoro was murdered on his 1981 trip to Pakistan and this person who calls himself Obama was picked off of a street in Jakarta and was groomed by the CIA before depositing him into Chicago in 1985 to eventually become “Barack To the Future.”
    The prima facie case:1.He is nowhere to be found in the 1983 Columbia Yearbook.After he announced for President in 2007,the NY TIMES sent a reporter up to Morningside Heights in Manhattan to do a fluff piece,interviewing all faculty and employees who knew him in 1981-83.To the reporter’s chagrin ,he could find nobody who remembered him.Was he the first online student?How could a tall,slender,minority student escape notice on such a small campus in the early 80’s?Meadow Soprano may have spent more time there than did Obama.
    2.The birth certificate fiasco:Interest in this issue picked up in 2010 when a woman who gave birth at that same hospital in Hawaii at which Obama claims he was born submitted a birth certificate for her daughter.The document was pristine with no crossouts and no cursive,two things that were on whatever it was that Obama attempted to pass off on April 27,2011.In addition,Governor Abercrombie of Hawaii in late March 2011 said after a 3 month search:”There is no birth certificate for Barack Obama on the island.”
    3.At a press conference on Aug.4,2011,when reporters congratulated Obama on his 50th birthday(according to that document),he twice insisted that he was 52.Evidently,the CIA didn’t cover everything during his Americanization immersion.
    There’s more,but we’ll save that for the jury trial.

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