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Far-Left Philly Lawyer Shocked, Shocked to Discover His Son Is Accused Terrorist


After an extensive terrorism investigation in Philadelphia, on Friday, Aug. 11, a jihadi was arrested who was, according to the FBI and Philly officials, planning major jihad massacres, not just in Philadelphia, but around the nation. He had access to guns and was building bombs. Adding to the shock of this was the fact that the young man who was arrested was only seventeen years old, and yet he now stands accused of plotting what the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office said was “the most serious alleged terrorist activity prosecuted in Philadelphia County court in recent history.” Even more shocking, it later came to light that he is the son of one of the most prominent criminal defense attorneys in Philadelphia.

The accused terror plotter was arrested at the home of Qawi Abdul-Rahman, a prominent Philadelphia criminal defense attorney who just ran for a seat as a Philadelphia Common Pleas Court judge. In a “vote for ten” election on May 16, Abdul-Rahman finished fourteenth, with 3.88% of the vote. In a campaign video, Abdul-Rahman wears a djellaba, a flowing robe that is common in North Africa but usually worn in America only by Muslims who are extremely devout. His forehead also sports a superbly prominent zebiba, a dark mark caused by performing the repeated prostrations that are called for in Islamic prayer, and that is generally understood to be a sign of extraordinary piety.

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