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Fauci Promoted Threat of Asymptomatic Spread In Public, But Downplayed It In Private Email


Dr. Anthony Fauci said in a private email that “most transmissions” of virus “occur from someone who is symptomatic” and “not asymptomatic.” However, Fauci publicly touted the idea that asymptomatic spread is “not rare” but in fact common, as the medical experts spread fear about the virus. (RESEARCH: CDC Inflated COVID Death Count By At Least 1600 Percent).

In a February 2020 email, Fauci wrote, “Error in my statement to you. I meant to say that “……most transmissions occur from someone who is symptomatic” — not asymptomatic. I am really tired. Not much sleep these days. Best, Tony.” However, in June 2020 Fauci said that asymptomatic transmission of Coronavirus is not rare, even chastising another expert for downplaying asymptomatic spread. Fauci said, “We have experience here with people who are without symptoms that cause us to believe that the transmission from an asymptomatic person to someone who’s not infected is not a rare event…But it’s becoming pretty clear to us that one cannot say that it is rare. It is likely not rare.”

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