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FBI Escalates Its War on Anti-Abortion Protesters

by Rick Moran

Using law enforcement to intimidate political opponents is something you’d find in Communist China, Cuba, North Korea, or other enlightened corners of the world where the government doesn’t tolerate dissent.

That’s what’s happening in America on the abortion political battlefield. On the one hand, you have federal authorities sitting back and allowing domestic terrorists to firebomb pregnancy help centers. More than 50 bombings have occurred since the Dobbs decision dropped and there has not been one, single arrest or indictment for any crime committed against abortion counseling centers.

On the other hand, the Justice Department was proud to announce they had arrested 11 citizens for violation the FACE Act — the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances act that the United States government has discovered and is now using as a weapon to stifle dissent about abortion…

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