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FDA Duplicity on Covid-19 Vaccines

By Steve McCann


Perhaps the most important long-term fallout of the Chinese Coronavirus pandemic has been the exposure of the venality and politicization within the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as well as other federal health agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Nothing personifies this corruption more than the FDA’s absurdly close ties to the pharmaceutical companies.  Thus, their refusal to recognize proven inexpensive therapeutics and their unorthodox approach in licensing certain Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 — vaccines that are not offered for sale in the United States.

What was the FDA’s and the pharmaceutical companies’ endgame in this process?  Was it to gaslight the American people in order to sell vaccines and achieve mass vaccinations?   Was their motive to protect the pharmaceutical companies from exposure to liability and a tsunami of litigation?  Was it so the FDA could more easily approve these vaccines for children who are not at risk of Covid-19?  Or all the above?



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