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Fed-ex worker, 26, ‘cooked alive’ in a fireball explosion was tasered by deputy at gas station after taking part in ‘peaceful memorial ride’ – as family demand state take over sheriff’s internal investigation


The Florida dirt bike rider who was burned alive in an explosion when a deputy tasered him while he was pumping gas was stopped by police after attending a ‘peaceful memorial ride’, his family’s attorney said.

The family of 26-year-old Fed Ex worker Jean Barreto are demanding that the state or federal government intervene in police’s investigation of the incident.

‘We’re not saying anything other than let’s get the truth out. And it’s not out,’ attorney Mark NeJame said during a news conference addressing the February 27 incident, which left Barreto hospitalized with third-degree burns on most of his body.

‘We’re calling today for Florida Department of Law Enforcement to take this case over or to have the US Justice Department to take this case over. There’s too much going on, too many questions that need to be asked.’…

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