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Feral College Students Destroy a Bible at a TPUSA Event



There was another college protest this week, and, as usual, narcissistic terrorists-in-training, who simply could not abide the notion that ideas other than their own might exist, were out in force to demonstrate their victimhood by being as nasty and cruel as possible to other people.

This time, it was Tuesday at the State University of New York in Albany. Turning Point USA had invited Ian Haworth, a conservative columnist, speaker, and podcast host to speak. The College Fix reported that the protestors were not just unruly, but cruel and destructive. Haworth tweeted this:

The most socialist thing I’ve ever seen is a bunch of deranged students screaming “no cops, no KKK, no @TPUSA” at a Jewish immigrant while also happily shoveling free pizza down their throats paid for by…@TPUSA!

That was part of the threads below. You will have to read the full threads to see just how ridiculous and potentially dangerous things were.





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