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FINALLY! National School Board Association Apologizes For Calling Concerned Parents ‘Domestic Terrorists’

By Adam Wilson

In October, the National School Boards Association released a letter voicing its concerns about ‘domestic terrorism’ threats from parents who were concerned about Covid-19 restrictions and critical race theory being taught in their schools.

The letter prompted Biden regime Attorney General Merrick Garland to respond with a recommendation that the Patriot Act to be used against conservative parents.

The backlash against the National School Boards Association was swift and brutal, with multiple state chapters disassociating with the national organization.

As of February of 2022, 20 states left the NSBA or withheld dues, and 29 condemned their letter that presented parents of schoolchildren as threats to national security.  The NSBA has reportedly lost as much as 40% of its funding from the pushback against the letter.

Seven months after the fiasco, they have finally released an apology after issuing an ‘independent investigation’ in to the letter, which was solicited by Biden Education Secretary Miguel Cardona…

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