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Finally: Reporters Get to Ask Biden’s Doctor Himself About Biden’s Cognitive Health

By Nick Arama


You would think, given all the questions about Joe Biden’s health over the past three and a half years — including his two bouts of COVID — that we would have heard from his doctor, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, in all that time. 

But no. The Biden team seems to have gone out of their way to prevent him from being questioned or having him go before reporters in a briefing, trying to stall them off with a few written statements that don’t necessarily answer the questions that people have. So much for transparency.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre even said there was nothing wrong with Biden’s health right before his official speech on Wednesday “explaining why he was dropping out,” which turned out to be not much of an explanation at all.

However, somehow someone messed up, because the NY Post’s Steven Nelson was able to track O’Connor down when he was walking outside the White House on the driveway. He was able to get some questions in about Biden. Talk about a squirrelly guy with evasive answers, that was O’Connor.

Nelson first asked if he was, in fact, O’Connor since reporters had never spoken to him.

O’Connor responded in this little sing-song voice, “I don’t know, I don’t know,” before admitting he was, indeed, the doctor.

Nelson asked how was Biden’s health? O’Connor appears to have swallowed the talking points.

“It’s excellent,” O’Connor insisted with a smile.

“Are you going to come to the briefing room to address us?” The Post inquired.

“Probably not,” answered O’Connor, who has never been allowed to brief the press during Biden’s more than three years in office — even though past presidential docs have taken questions during health crises.

“Could that change before the end of his term?” the journalist followed up.

“I hope not,” O’Connor said… [….]

“And how is his mental cognition?” The Post asked.

“It’s excellent,” the smiling doctor insisted.

“Is there a reason you didn’t perform a cognitive test on him?” the reporter pressed.

“We don’t need to. He’s here every day,” O’Connor claimed.

He’s almost taunting reporters when he says “probably not” about whether he would be talking to them in the future and “I hope not” when asked if things could change on that before the end of the term…


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