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Fired Feinstein staffer shares WILD video, accuses Dem of caring more about her dog than black people

By  Kevin Haggerty


A staffer for Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA) was reportedly terminated after five years of employment leading to a wild video that went viral and allegations of racism against her office.

In the video, Jamarcus Purley reported he was smoking a joint as he walked across the furniture in the office space. Claiming to be high on psychedelic mushrooms, he called it the “best night of [his] motherf*cking life,” explaining it was something he felt he had to do because “no one would ever know the sh*t Feinstein does to black people if I didn’t make it impossible to ignore.”

After Purley appeared on the MSNBC, Feinstein’s office released a statement to the network that read, “Office policy is to not comment on personnel matters, however Mr. Purley disclosed his termination letter that explained he was released due to repeated failures over weeks and months to perform his duties and appear regularly for work in person or remotely.”



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