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First Big City Where A Dude Wins A Woman’s Beauty Pageant – Can You Guess Which City?

By The Washington Standard 


Raise up your can of Bud Light and join me, please, in a toast to Monroe Lace, the newly crowned Miss San Francisco. According to a Tuesday CBS report, it was the fulfilment of a lifelong aspiration: “It felt like a dream,” said the happy Monroe, “because it’s been a dream that I’ve had since I was a child.” Monroe is by no means singular in that, of course; at least before appreciating beauty went out of fashion, there were no doubt innumerable young girls who dreamed of being beauty queens. Monroe Lace, however, is different, and knows it: “Even though I am Miss San Francisco, I know my impact is much greater than that,” says Monroe. He’s right: Monroe Lace, Miss San Francisco of 2023, is the first dude to hold the title.

Alas, Monroe Lace cannot lay claim to being the first man ever to win a woman’s beauty pageant. That dubious distinction belongs to one Brían (pronounced “Bree-ann,” doncha know) Nguyen, a stout fellow indeed in every sense of the term, who was crowned Miss Greater Derry in New Hampshire last November. Young Mr. Nguyen proved definitively that these aren’t beauty pageants in any meaningful sense of the term anymore, and now Monroe Lace’s victory in San Francisco makes it abundantly clear that these pageants are about Leftist virtue signaling, and have nothing whatsoever to do with advancing attractive and accomplished women…


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One Comment


    Are you sure that wasn’t Garth Brooks?

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