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First It Was Cattle, Now They Want To mRNA Vaxx The Chickens!



Sometimes the plans are too obvious

What would you do if you wanted to poison the food supply by getting the toxic mRNA vaccine into chickens?

You’d probably first have some sort of disaster where chickens (and eggs) suddenly came into short supply.

Never mind the fact that the reason for that short supply was the (intentional?) destruction by fire, explosion, train derailments, etc., of all the chicken coops and processing plants, that’s not important.

You’d then point to the short supply, and you’d say we must vaccinate these chickens to protect what we have left!

Oh, and then you’d reintroduce the “Bird Flu” 

Remember how scary that was?

Put it all together and you have the master plan, with the end result being mRNA in your food supply!

It’s called the Hegelian Dialectic and they use it over and over and over again


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