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FLASHBACK — URGENT WARNING: President Trump’s Life In Danger At Tonight’s “Rigged” Debate?

By Noah


Remember when we brought you this report just a few weeks ago?

Heads up folks, this is an URGENT SOS!

I want to make extremely clear upfront I am publishing this article to warn against this and get as many of you praying against this as possible!!!  We love President Trump and we do not want one hair on his head harmed!

Please share this far and wide and let’s hope people inside President Trump’s team see this and even someone within his Secret Service protection detail.

I hope this is all much ado about nothing, but I am so worried for his safety.

I know so many of you are praying for him daily and so are we!

Please keep those prayers going and increase them right now!

Because I just saw this and I have to say it makes a lot of sense…..

We already know tonight’s Debate is going to be RIGGED against President Trump, but could it even be worse than that?

Think about it….

We have a closed off room with no access, not even for Reporters.

Controlled only by CNN.

Will the Secret Service even be allowed in?

Watch this short clip from my friend Chris Greene over at AMTV Media where I think he explains it beautifully:


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