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Florida Parents Reject ‘Absurd’ Active Shooter Narrative, Succeed In Keeping Cell Tower Off School Property

By Tim Brown


Good for these parents!  Now, get your kids out of those indoctrination centers.  Pasco County, Florida parents rejected the narrative that telecom companies had to install cell towers due to the possibility of an active shooter, and in the end, won the day.

Suzanne Budick, Ph.D. writes at The Defender:

Telecom companies often tell school boards they need to install cell towers to protect kids and staff during active shooter scenarios. Many parents and attorneys say that claim is false and that the towers pose a health risk to students.

Editor’s note: This is the third in a series of articles on how the wireless industry targets schools for wireless infrastructure installation. Part 1 covered the recent surge and why parents are fighting back. Part 2 covered how T-Mobile put nine cell antennas on a private school in San Diego without parents’ knowledge or consent. Part 3 covers how parents defeated a tower proposal by debunking the claim that school kids needed the tower to be safe in an emergency.

Florida parents were shocked when they heard their superintendent say he believed Starkey Ranch K-8, an elementary school in Pasco County, needed to allow a cell tower to be built next to it to handle an active shooter scenario.

“This was an absurd and frightening thing to hear,” Erin Stroupe, a Starkey Ranch K-8 parent and mother of three, told The Defender, “The school had been open and operating at full capacity for two years.”

The claim that the school’s students would be unsafe during an emergency without the proposed cell tower turned out to be false — but the wireless industry commonly propagates such claims, an investigation by The Defender has found…


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