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Floyd George Psyop: Staged Masonic Sacrifice?

By Brabantian

The George Floyd alleged death, and global protest and riot aftermath are highly Masonic events symbolized by the widespread push to Masonic ‘take the knee’ of submission after a video ‘death scene’ involving kneeling on the ‘victim’
When George Floyd – literally an actor – undressed for his pornographic film star role in the ‘Habib’ multi-cultural adult video offerings, his chest had a tattoo of what seemed to be a Masonic eagle.
Moreover, George Floyd’s famous basketball player-best friend from youth in Texas, so close he is called Floyd’s ‘twin brother’, Stephen Jackson, has posted on Instagram about his ‘father’s Mason Brothers 33’ with a photo of Masonic gear with the All-Seeing Eye, and how he will follow his father.

Former USA football player, Larry Johnson, outright charges that the George Floyd death was a human Masonic ‘sacrifice’

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