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Flushing Your Sinuses with Hydrogen Peroxide

By Dr. Jon Kaiser


“Regular use of this procedure has produced miraculous improvement in my patients with chronic allergies, post-nasal drip, sore throats, chronic headaches, and chronic fatigue.”

The sun was shining brightly and there was a strong wind. Throughout the day, the trees danced in the breeze and the pollen swirled through the air.

After several hours of gardening, my sinuses had done their job well. They had steadily collected and filtered out dust, pollen, insect detritus, and gas engine fumes.

But how do your sinuses get rid of all this waste? They usually produce mucous which is moved along by delicate hair-like structures called cilia. That is, if the delicate cells lining your sinuses have not become dysfunctional and damaged from aging, poor nutrition, smoking, exposure to environmental chemicals (chlorine, ammonia, gasoline, etc.), as well as exposure to steroid sprays like Flonase and decongestant sprays like Afrin…


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