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Former Chinese Ambassador to Ukraine Says Russia Has Already Lost the War



Gao Yusheng, former Chinese ambassador to Ukraine, said recently at a forum that Russia “has already lost the Russia-Ukraine War.” His analysis of the cause and trend of the war is completely different from the Chinese communist regime’s pro-Russia rhetoric.

In the speech, he also predicted that Russia would be expelled from important international organizations, and that there would be a new wave of “de-Russification” in the former Soviet Union countries.

The China International Finance 30 Forum and the International Studies Department of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences recently held an internal online seminar focusing on the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on China and the global situation. Gao, who was the regime’s ambassador to Ukraine from 2005 to 2007, was invited to give a speech. In his more than 30-year diplomatic career, he had stationed in the former Soviet Union and the countries that used to be Soviet member states.

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, the war has not ended within a week as many in the world expected. Gao said that Russia has not been able to defeat Ukraine quickly, and Russia’s economic power is extremely disproportionate to its so-called “military superpower” status, and the delay in the war has caused a heavy burden on Russia’s economy.



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