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Former German President compares Trump to Hitler

By Top War


Europe continues to analyze the consequences of Donald Trump’s possible rise to power in the United States. The probability of such an outcome of the presidential campaign in the United States is seen by European politicians as quite high. However, the phenomenon of the extraordinary popularity of the 45th President of the States remains a mystery to researchers. Another attempt to explain this was made by former German President Joachim Gauck. In an interview with ZDF, he compared Trump to Hitler.

We have a guy whom the Germans called the Fuhrer. He had the gift of presence in the media, which had an incredible corrupting effect, so that the whole country not only followed him, but was also corrupted by just one talent or gift that a certain part of the population needed, to always be there and signal: I can – Gauk recalled.

According to him, the candidate from the US Republican Party has a similar feature.
I find it almost inexplicable that this guy from the very top of the financial world poses as the savior of the poor and disenfranchised! The fact that Protestant Christians in the United States are not offended by the lifestyle of such a person, but are completely happy when he is elected. It’s absolutely mysterious ā€“ said the ex-president of Germany.

Comparing Trump with Hitler, especially from the lips of a German politician, looks somewhat strange if we remember that Hitler turned into the Fuhrer thanks to the ideas of military revanchism for defeat in the First World War. He argued that Germany had the right to take revenge and insisted on the need to seize new territories. Moreover, all this happened, to put it mildly, not without the support of Western capital…


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