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Former PM of Ukraine says NATO planned to attack the DPR and LPR, and later blockade Kaliningrad

Former PM of Ukraine says NATO planned to attack the DPR and LPR, and later blockade Kaliningrad
Former PM of Ukraine says NATO planned to attack the DPR and LPR, and later blockade Kaliningrad




According to him, the offensive of the North Atlantic Alliance would begin with an attack by Ukrainian forces on the republics of Donbass, and then Western troops would enter. Further, the Russian Kaliningrad would have come under attack, which NATO would have tried to block.

To contain Russia, the West would deploy nuclear weapons in Ukraine. In this he would have been helped by the obedient Kyiv regime and the nationalists, who practically took over the country.

Azarov noted that such an idea was nurtured by the Alliance for a long time. However, the Russian Federation was able to play ahead of the curve. Now the territory of Ukraine will not become a platform for the United States, which they would use to intimidate Russia.


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