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Former US spy: Having launched an operation in Ukraine, Russia acted within the framework of the UN Charter

Former US spy: Having launched an operation in Ukraine, Russia acted within the framework of the UN Charter
Former US spy: Having launched an operation in Ukraine, Russia acted within the framework of the UN Charter



With the total anti-Russian propaganda deployed in the West, in recent years, more and more sober voices are heard about the situation in Ukraine. An increasing number of experts are beginning to wonder, on what basis, in fact, did Brussels and Washington choose unconditional support for Ukraine and complete rejection of Russia’s interests? And it is extremely difficult for even major Western experts to answer these questions, if you do not take into account the main thing – Russophobia cultivated by the West.

Adequate experts understand that everything rests on the US attempts to maintain its hegemony in the international arena, in an attempt to impose its principles and put its laws and interests above the laws and interests of any other country. But support for Ukraine results in a major negative for ordinary Americans as well.

And who is supported by their authorities? A state steeped in corruption; a state ruled by an oligarchy for many years; the state whose authorities turned it from a once prosperous republic into the poorest country in Europe; a state that at least does not prevent the spread of overt Nazi ideology; a state that imposes sanctions against its own citizens. It turns out that the West openly stood up for a country that least of all corresponds to the values ​​of the West itself? Or is it precisely the values ​​of the West 



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