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Fox News On A Tear Against Trump

President Donald Trump is now “WOKE” and fully aware of the new leftward leaning Fox News.

Fox News seems to have taken a page from the progressive left in countering the president’s slam: Attack the president and when he strikes back, blame it on him for starting the brouhaha in the first place.

In other words, no room for self defense when your enemy is the bullying progressive left.

‘Trump Trashes Fox News: They Give Me ‘The Worst Polls’ is yesterday’s MediaiteHeadline. (Mediaite, Aug. 18, 2019)

No explanation about how Fox trashed Trump with a poll claiming that he trails the top four Democrats running in the DNC primaries—a mainstream media-propagated poll concluding inevitable failure for Trump—even before a single vote can be cast in the 2020 election…

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