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Fun For The Hole Family



From picnics, bumper cars and Ferris Wheels to bearded “women” grooming children.

The month of the rainbow cult is hitting its midway point, and those of us who tired of this sad charade many years ago still have nowhere to escape. The symbols and hairy asses are jiggling everywhere. Pride is shaking down the down-trodden masses incapable of drawing any moral lines, unable to have their own pride, perhaps confused by the intentionally confusing adherents eager to keep jamming all their pride down everyone’s throat until they vomit rainbows for eternity.

The events are in every city, town, village, and public library across the west. Each event is advertised as “Fun For the Whole Family”, “All Ages Affair”, and “Sacrifice Your Children On Our Glittered Altars”. The bare asses of grotesque men flash in children’s faces at the many parades, as if it’s another day in the park, another family picnic, or a trip to the county fair. Why waste money on cotton candy and Ferris Wheels when you can have twerking glittered trannies thrust their mangled bits mere feet from young children? Why give them fun, when they can be sacrificed for their parent’s twisted insecurities and virtue-seeking neurosis?

Sacrificing children has become quite the western spectacle of late. Pfizer and soon Moderna will claim their share of little ones while making a few million more walking time bombs of health consequences thanks to their “parents of the year”. Infertility, sudden death, drooping faces only physiognomically capable of half the joy and laughter of pureblood children.



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