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Fury over foreign aid budget being used to train Russia’s future leaders at British universities

By Archie Mitchell

MPs and campaigners accuse government of aiding Vladimir Putin’s regime as we reveal it has relaxed a ban on Russians joining ‘emerging leaders’ scholarship programme – fully funded by British taxpayers

Rishi Sunak has been accused of aiding Vladimir Putin’s regime over the government’s plans to spend hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money training up the next generation of Russian leaders.

Britain barred Russians from applying to the Chevening scholarship programme – a fully funded masters degree aimed at “emerging leaders” from all over the world – after Mr Putin invaded Ukraine two years ago.

But, despite the conflict still going on – and Britain ramping up sanctions on Moscow in response to the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny – The Independent can reveal that the scheme has been reopened to applicants from Russia.

The prime minister is now facing calls to reverse the decision, with MPs and campaigners criticising the decision to use foreign aid money in this way. One MP said: “It will only possibly benefit apparatchiks of Putin’s regime.”

Bill Browder, the US anti-corruption campaigner, told The Independent it is “highly inappropriate” to reinstate the scheme.

He said: “While Putin is killing Ukrainians, it would be highly inappropriate for the British government to send any money to Russians, who may go back to Russia and support the war effort. A programme like this should be for citizens of countries that aren’t threatening us with nuclear war.”

<p>Britain barred Russian applicants from the Chevening scholarship programme after Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine two years ago</p>Britain barred Russian applicants from the Chevening scholarship programme after Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine two years ago (Sputnik)

The scheme sees overseas students brought to British universities, with flights, accommodation and tuition fees all included – on the condition that they return to their home country after graduation…


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