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GAZA: Where Israel’s “Judaism” Was Murdered and Buried


Israel is not about Judaism… but about Zionism!

Only with the powerful rise of racists colonial settlers’ ideology, Zionism took over Judaism and “stole” the First Abrahamic Faith. Judaism the Abrahamic faith and religion, the first monotheistic religion that believed in the One God, the All Mighty, the Faith and religion of Moses (Peace be Upon Him) the Prophet and only human to ever speak to the All Mighty. The Prophet who received the Tenth Commandment from the All Mighty (Thou Shall Not Kill). Israel killed all that. 

Judaism for some 3,500 years flourished and survived because it kept the faith with the All Mighty. Its survived internal and devastating tribal wars, it survived the wrath of the Pharaoh, it survived the Babylonian Exile all of this because it was and is the faith that kept covenant with the All Mighty.  Judaism not only inspired and gave us Christianity and Jesus who fought the corrupt and heathen Rabbis of the Temple with a message of peace and brotherhood. (Aljazeera)

Comes Islam to compliment and conclude the mission of the All Mighty as an extension of the Judaism and Christianity with a revolutionary ideology and faith that incorporated all the major tenants of Judaism and Christianity into a universal faith.

Jews and Judaism flourished in the succeeding Muslim Empires from the Umayyad, to the Abbasid to Muslim Spain and certainly to the Ottoman Empire with many scientists, jurists, philosophers enriching both Judaism and Islam from Persia all the way West to Andalusia. (The Guardian)

Any Zionist who tells you about the eternal conflicts between Jews and Muslims is ignorant of history and tries to hide the ugly and racist Antiemetic of East and West Europe with many pogroms, exiles culminating in the most horrible crimes of the last century the Holocaust. It was never the Arabs or Muslims. (Independent)

It was only after the Zionists movement began   to push for the colonization of Palestine culminating in the ethnic cleansing of most of the indigenous populations all through terrors fully funded by Jewish Zionist money and the support of European Christian Antisemitism that the conflict arose between Arabs and Muslims and “Zionist Jews. 

What see today of the horrible crimes of genocide in Gaza and the deliberate murder of civilians – so far- 40,000 dead, 10,000 under rubble, 50,000 injured, 17,000 children orphaned, and 2 million left without home, shelter, food, clean water, and medical facilities with entire blocks of building with people in it were blown up by laughing Israeli soldiers. Soldiers who for the fun of it will blow a high rise building as birthday gift to 2 years old daughter. This is Not the War of Judaism Against Gaza but the War of Zionism.

Israeli soldiers raiding bombed out building stealing money and gold and other personal belonging left by fleeing Gazan. Burning of entire blocks of building even after they destroyed it. Murdering at point blank young an old carrying white flags. Bombing schools sheltering tens of thousands of people. Nothing safe or sacred even graveyard did not survive the vengeance, the hate that is internal and eternal to Zionists and Zionism.

Sharing with you some material I was able to look up on Google.

For generations, remarkable Jewish leaders have propelled humankind forward by discovering cures for diseases, developing new technologies, composing musical masterpieces, advancing causes of freedom and human rights, and serving as trailblazers in countless other fields.

Judaism brought at least three fundamental principles to the basis of European culture: the secularization of the eternal, the ennoblement of matter through spirit, and the consideration of the human being as the supreme purpose of humanity. The contribution of Judaism-The Institute Cultural Roman.

Judaism’s texts, traditions, and values strongly influenced later Abrahamic religions, including Christianity and Islam. Hebraism, like Hellenism, played a seminal role in the formation of Western civilization through its impact as a core background element of Early Christianity…


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