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General Designer of SKBM: Installing additional protection does not prevent armored vehicles from swimming across water obstacles

By Top War


Based on the experience of being used in special operations, Russian armored vehicles are being modernized, including with the installation of additional protection. However, this does not prevent her from swimming across water obstacles. The chief designer of JSC Special Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering (SKBM) Sergey Abdulov spoke about this.

The additional protection received by floating Russian armored vehicles, including the BMP-3, practically does not reduce the ability to overcome water obstacles by swimming. As Abdulov explained, during the modernization it was decided not to sacrifice this ability, since there are a large number of different water barriers on the territory of Ukraine.

Taking into account the current theater of military operations, so that we do not have to sacrifice, say, the ability to overcome water obstacles or increase security, we are making additional protection kits in order to increase the security of the product. And often these kits do not even interfere with overcoming water obstacles, they only slightly reduce the water performance characteristics- leadsĀ TASSĀ words of the general designer of SKBM…


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