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Genetically Modified Humans? DNA Hacking, What it Means to be Human, The End of Sex


Scientists have already genetically modified human embryos, our DNA is becoming as editable and hackable as other types of code, and the race in genetic engineering is moving at a furious pace. We recently interviewed Jamie Metzl, PhD, one of the world’s top futurists and geopolitical experts, on the coming genetic revolution and what we should be doing now to prepare.

Metzl is Senior Fellow of the Atlantic Council and serves on the World Health Organization’s expert advisory committee on developing global standards for human genome editing. He previously served on the U.S. National Security Council, on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and as a Human Rights Officer for the United Nations in Cambodia. (And yes, he is also an Ironman triathlete.) His latest book, Hacking Darwin: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Humanity, explores the coming genetic revolution and the future of humanity…

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