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The true roots of Islamic Jew-hatred.

“In the fog of war,” goes an old and time-tested saying, “the first casualty is truth.”

Few comments about the genocidal campaign launched against the Jews by Hamas reflect this better than Fox News’ anchor Shannon Bream’s on-air statement that the majority of Palestinians do not support Hamas. Oh? Hamas is the elected government of Gaza, and has been so since the Israelis in 2005 voluntarily ended their occupation of what was even then a launching pad for unprovoked terrorist attacks on Jewish population centers – internationally recognized as war crimes.

Has there been a Palestinian leader or protest in Gaza or the West Bank, or abroad, that has denounced the Nazi-like atrocities perpetrated by Hamas against Jewish women, children, and entire defenseless families on October 7? Is there a Palestinian Party that recognizes Israel or the right of Israel to exist?

From its inception in the 1920s, the Palestinian movement has drawn inspiration from rabid Jew-haters in Europe, and from Germany in particular. In the 1930’s the Muslim Brotherhood translated Mein Kampf into Arabic. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem – the George Washington of the Palestinian national movement – was an ardent admirer of Adolf Hitler. When World War II broke out, he moved to Berlin where he recruited an Arab legion for Nazi Germany and laid plans to create an Auschwitz in the Middle East. When the state of Israel was created by the UN in 1948, it was attacked by five Arab dictatorships, whose rallying cry was “Push the Jews into the sea…


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