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GENOCIDE 2020: Iran Moves Tanks for Armenia/Azerbaijan War — War Grows in Mid East

Turkey, Syria, and Iran seem poised for a full-scale invasion of Armenia. Are we headed to WWIII in the Middle East?

By Warner Todd Huston

Turkey and Syria are eyeing a full-scale invasion of Armenia and it looks like Iran is now opening its own front in this conflict.

Is Armenia facing another genocide less than 100 years since the last one? Are American soldiers in nearby Iraq and Afghanistan in serious peril? And what about Russia?

These vexing questions are being utterly ignored by the U.N. and the western press as the dictator of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, continues to ramp up his violent jihad against the Christians in Armenia.

Already both Turkey and Pakistan have sent terrorists and other undercover units int Armenia to kill with abandon on behalf of the majority Muslim country of Azerbaijan.

Open warfare has been going on for nearly a week between the two small nations that bottle up the approach to Western Europe north of both Turkey and Iran.

If Armenia falls as a mostly Christian nation, that gives the Muslims an open door to advance northward into the mostly Christian country of Georgia which then threatens Russia and even China. But Russia is already an ally of Armenia, so the Red Bear could easily be pulled into this conflict very quickly if Turkey’s Erdoğan pulls a full-scale invasion.

The fighting has ostensibly started between Armeina and Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabakh region, an area that both Azerbaijan and Armenia claim as their own. Currently, Armenia has occupied the area since 1994.

As it stands, Azerbaijan claims to have shot down several Armenia aircraft, and there are some rumors that thousands of soldiers on each side have already been killed over the disputed region. Azerbaijan also claims a long list of destroyed Armenia targets and thousands of dead Armenia soldiers.

The Armenian Ministry of Defense has also pushed out some video of what it claims are Azerbaijani tanks and manpower being “annihilated.”

AlJazeera is also reporting that the Armenians have laid claim to destroying 137 tanks and armored vehicles, 72 aerial vehicles, and seven helicopters and other aircraft. It certainly seems like a shooting war, the likes of which have not been seen in the region for decades.

Rumors out of the area are now warning that Iran has begun moving columns of battletanks up its main north eastern highway toward Tabriz and the country’s border with Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Iran has already warned that it will not allow a full-scale war to break out northward, and they want a peaceful resolution. But by that they mean they will support crushing Armenia quickly if Azerbaijan can’t do it.

For its part, Moscow has demanded that Turkey, Iran, Libya, and Syria stop sending terror outfits into Armenia. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has also offered to hold peace talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan to put an end to the conflict before it grows to World War Three proportions.

The Washington

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